Cheap Shaun White Snowboarding (Target Limited Edition)
Product Information and Prices Stored: Sep 18, 2011 09:00:13
Brand:UBI Soft
Review Product Shaun White Snowboarding (Target Limited Edition)
Shaun White Snowboarding (Target Limited Edition) Overview
The game requires to scour the levels looking for coins, once you find a set number per lever you have to find Shaun White somewhere on that level and he teaches you a new ability. The coin hunting quickly gets repetitive, and sometimes very frustrating, but once you get enough abilities is when this game really begins to shine. The funnest part isn't anything scripted in the game itself, but just free riding over the massive levels, especially outrunning avalanches in Alaska. THE BOTTOM LINE: This game is amazing, once your put about 4 hours of drudging into it.
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